Main Page
This Wikibase instance aims to provide a collaborative space for structuring and analysing data related to Greek metrical inscriptions. The aim is to make the data accessible, searchable, and reusable for the study of Greek epigraphic poetry, in its various literary forms, and diverse geographical, archaeological, and socio-historical contexts.
The following data are included: existing editions, translations and images, type of inscription, geographical provenance, dating, object (with reference to the material, state of preservation, measures, and last recorded location), writing technique, number of inscriptions on the object, language, length of the text, meter, layout (in relation to the metrical structure), clients and recipients, author, external online resources (e.g. PHI Inscriptions, Trismegistos, MAPPOLA, CLEO, Carmen). The data structure is described in the Data model. Data can be entered manually through the functions ‘New Item’ and ‘New Property’ or through QuickStatements. The data are analysed using the Query Service. Queries are collected in the page Query - access to data. Data can be exported in different formats (JSON, TSV, CSV).
It will be possible to expand the corpora at any time, whether new inscriptions are discovered or new editions of already known inscriptions are published. Through links to external digital resources, this instance of Wikibase aims to serve as a connecting space to other online epigraphic resources, both in terms of the inscriptions and the data associated with them.
Another aim is to contribute to the creation of a common data model for Greek and Latin epigraphy to be shared in Wikidata and other Wikibase instances, in order to achieve interoperability between the projects. The data model should be as consistent as possible with the principles and vocabularies of the FAIR Epigraphy Project and the WikiProject Epigraphy in Wikidata.
This project has been initiated by Pietro Ortimini (University of Pisa) and currently revolves around the data he has collected as part of his doctoral thesis on the literary forms and metrics of the Greek metrical inscriptions from the Imperial Age (late first century BC-early 4th century AD).
As a future perspective, it would be desirable to expand the Wikibase to include the Greek metrical inscriptions from the Archaic and Classical periods, the Hellenistic period and Late Antiquity.
Persistent identifier of the database:
All content is made available under the terms of the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED).
For anyone interested in collaborating, please visit the Collaboration Space.
The database is still a work in progress; any feedback is welcome.
Data model
This section provides information on modelling data.
The following examples show how data are displayed for each inscription:
Bibliographic references
Bibliographic references to the editions (P24) are provided for each inscription.
For each edition, the bibliographic information (P34), including the author(s) of the edition (P44), and the reference to the URL/DOI (P33) are provided. The geographical area to which the edition refers is also indicated according to the properties mentioned below (see geographic provenance); using P76 abbreviation(s), the abbreviations used in the main repertories (e.g., SEG, Trismegistos, PHI) are listed.
For each author (P44), the Wikidata item (P45) and the published editions (P46) are mentioned.
Each inscription is labeled according to the reference edition (Q78).
P7 edition URL links to the digital editions.
The reference edition (Q78) is indicated through the qualifier P26 role.
Other editions (concordances) are indicated both in the form of alias and associated with the P24 edition.
P68 translation(s) is used to indicate the publication where the translation is published. To specify the language, P53 language is used as a qualifier associated with the item of the language (e.g., Q937 Italian).
For each inscription, the Trismegistos identifier (Tm_id) (P43) is provided.
The item database (Q584) is used to refer to online databases that allow the collection of information about the editions, translations, and images of the inscriptions (e.g. LatinNow).
Geographic provenance | corpora |
Anatolian Peninsula | Western coast Mysia: Steinepigramme I 06-07, II 08; I.Ilion (IGSK 3), BSt (IGSK 7), I.Kyzikos (IGSK 18), I.Parion (IGSK 25), I.Alexandreia Troas (IGSK 53); I.Pergamon; I.Pergamon Asklepieion. |
Near East | Media: Steinepigramme III 12/04. Syria: Steinepigramme IV 20; IGLS. |
Egypt | I.Egypte métriques; I.Philae; I.Colosse Memnon |
North Africa (Cyrenaica, Creta, Africa Proconsularis, Muretania) | GVCyr2; I.Cret.; IRT2 |
Southeastern Europe (Greece, Aegean Islands, Ionian Islands, Macedonia, Epirus, Illyria, Thracia) |
Attica: IG II/III2; II/III3 4,1, 4,2, 4,3; Agora XVII; Agora XVIII; I.Eleusis |
Italia (Regiones I-XI), Roma, Sicilia, Sardinia, Corsica | IG XIV; IGUR; I.Aquileia; IG Campania; I.Mus. Catania; IG Napoli; IG Porto; IG Puglia; IG Ravenna; IG Reggio Calabria |
Western Europe (Hispania, Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Raetia, Noricum) | IG XIV; IG España Portugal; IG France; RIB |
Eastern Europe (Pannonia, Dalmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Cimmerian Bosporus) |
Moesia: I.Mésie Sup. I; IGBulg |
Other corpora and databases | Cougny 1890; Kaibel, Epigrammata; Peek, GVI; Hunter 2022; AE; BE; SEG; The Squeeze Collection - CSAD;
E-stampages; Venice Squeeze Project; Ubi Erat Lupa; Last Statues of Antiquity (LSA); LatinNow; Telamon ; EDR; EDF; EDH; EDB; CIL; Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien; Claros Concordance of Greek Inscriptions |
To reference other publications related to the inscription, but different from the edition, use property P54 publication and item Q682 publication.
For each publication, the bibliographic information (P34), including the author(s) of the publication (P44), and the reference to the URL/DOI (P33) are provided.
Bibliographic references - guidelines
References to the images of the inscriptions are expressed by the following properties:
- P11 image URL provides the link to the image.
- P12 image - publication indicates the publication that contains the image and the reference to the page/table/inscription number through the qualifier P20 reference inside the publication.
- P17 copy - publication indicates the publication that contains the copy, the reference to the page/table/inscription number through the qualifier P20 reference inside the publication, and the author of the copy through the qualifier P21 author of the copy.
Type of inscription (P6)
- funerary inscriptions (Q10), tomb regulations (Q624)
- honorific inscriptions (Q60), agonistic inscriptions (Q625)
- religious inscriptions (Q201): dedications (Q49), hymns (Q199), proskynemata (Q198), oracles (Q6), defixiones (Q251)
- others: exhortations (Q221), 'descriptive' inscriptions (label, identification, description, ekphrasis) (Q217)
- unable to determine (Q613)
Geographic provenance
The data are organized according to the following related properties:
- provenance - macro-area (P5)
- provenance - macro-region (P27)
- provenance - region (P16)
- provenance - sub-region (P28)
- provenance - city (P4)
- provenance - place (P14)
- provenance - island (P29)
Each place constitutes an item; for each place, all other places in which it is included are specified (see e.g. Attica, Athens, Acropolis of Athens).
Each place is associated with its corresponding Pleiades ID (P42), Trismegistos Places ID (P47), ToposText ID (P48), Wikidata item (P45), and edition(s) (P24).
The period under consideration ranges from the late first century BC to the early fourth century AD. The span of centuries is bounded by the reforms of Augustus and the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine.
The following types of dating are distinguished:
- Inscriptions dated to a specific year or within a span of years less than a century.
- Inscriptions dated by centuries.
- Inscriptions dated to the Imperial Period (first-third century AD), contrasting with the Hellenistic Period (third-first century BC) and the Late Antique Period (fourth-seventh century AD).
- Inscriptions dated between the end of the Hellenistic Period (late first century BC) and the beginning of the Imperial Period (first century AD), or between the end of the Imperial Period (late third century AD) and the beginning of Late Antiquity (fourth century AD).
- Inscriptions with uncertain dating between the Hellenistic Period and the Imperial Period or between the Imperial Period and Late Antiquity.
- Inscriptions dated with generic terms like Kaiserzeit, Römische Zeit, aetatis imperialis, Imperial Age, époque imperiale, età imperiale, etc., without distinguishing between the Imperial Period and Late Antiquity.
- Undated inscriptions.
Based on these types of dating, inscriptions are divided into two groups:
- A : Inscriptions falling under types 1-4, dateable to the Imperial Age with a reasonable margin of certainty.
- B : Inscriptions falling under types 5-6, assignable to the Imperial era with a low margin of certainty.
- C: undated inscriptions (type 7)
P22 dating is expressed using the EDTF property
To enhance data querying capabilities, the dating information provided in the editions is converted into numerical values for the inscriptions falling under types 2-5. In these cases, a quotation from the edition containing the dating information accompanies the numerical value. The source of the proposed dating is indicated with P67 dating - source (publication)
Criteria for assigning numerical values to centuries/periods:
centuries/periods | numerical values |
1st century AD | 1-100 |
1st-3rd century AD | 1-300 |
early 2nd century AD | 101-130 |
first quarter of the 3rd century AD | 201-225 |
second quarter of the 2nd century AD | 125-150 |
first half of the 2nd century AD | 101-150 |
mid-1st century AD | 31-70 AD |
third quarter of the 1st century AD | 150-175 AD |
late 2nd century AD | 171-200 AD |
see -
Object (P10)
The type of object is indicated through P10 object; all objects are identified by the entity Q37 object.
The material is specified with the qualifier P30 material; all materials are identified by the entity Q102 material.
The measurements of the object are expressed with the qualifiers P82 height, P83 width, P84 thickness, to which numeric values (quantities) are associated; the units of measurement are cm (Q928) and m (Q929). The qualifier P32 state of preservation of the object indicates whether the objects is Q113 intact, Q280 broken - complete, Q284 broken - incomplete, Q116 lost.
P69 last recorded location is used to indicate where the object is preserved. Each location constitutes an item where the city (P4), website (P72), and Wikidata item (P45) are indicated.
Writing technique (P81)
P81 writing technique is used to indicate the technique employed to write on the object. Each technique constitutes an item:
Inscription(s) - number (P52)
The following typologies are distinguished:
- single inscriptions (Q639): single metrical inscription on the object.
- multiple inscriptions - meter (Q640) : two or more metrical inscriptions on the same object.
- multiple inscriptions - meter (1)/prose (1+) (Q642): one metrical inscriptions and one or more inscriptions in prose on the same object.
- multiple inscription - meter (1+)/prose (1+): one or more metrical inscriptions and one or more inscriptions in prose on the same object.
In cases where there are two or more metrical inscriptions, or both metrical and prose inscriptions, the order in which the texts appear in reference editions is followed, considering both the length of the text and the type of meter.
Language (P53)
The language of the inscriptions is indicated using P53 language, associated with the items Q644 Greek, Q645 Latin.
Length of the text (P19)
The length of the text (P19) is measured using the following units:
All units fall under the subclass Q31 measure of length of a text.
The qualifier P31 state of preservation of the text indicates whether the text is Q105 complete or Q107 incomplete.
The number of lost lines is indicated with the unit lost lines (Q257).
P8 meter provides information about the metrical structure of the text.
Q18 type of meter specifies the nature of the type of meter indicated by P8 meter, whether it consists of verses or rhythmic units.
In cases where verses and/or rhythmic units appear together with prose parts in the same inscription, the Q1031 prose is also associated with the property P8 meter (see e.g., Staab, Gebrochener Glanz 09/06/23).
- I. Verse (Q100)
- II. Rhythmic unit (Q101)
- dactylic cola (Q5)
- To specify the type of colon, P89 type of colon is used, associated with the following elements:
- dactylic metra (Q252)
- iambic rhythm (Q253)
- dactylic cola (Q5)
Layout (P15)
- A.1 Layout typologies not based on metrical structure
- A.2 Layout typologies based on metrical structure
- A.2a 1 line = 1 verse (e.g. I.Egypte métriques 26)
- A.2b Verses written as prose, with vacat and/or signs (e.g. single point, colon, hedera, diple), which indicate the end of the verse (e.g. IG XIV 2564)
- A.2c Verses arranged on multiple (two/three) lines
- A.2c.1 Verses arranged on two/three lines without eisthesis of the second/third line, with vacat and/or sign to indicate the end of the verse (e.g. IG IX 1², 4, 1498 )
- A.2c.2 Verses arranged on two/three lines with eisthesis of the second/third line and possibly vacat and/or sign to indicate the end of the verse (e.g. IGUR III 1163, I.Mus. Catania 24)
- A.2.c.3 Mixed layout-typologies A.2.c.1-A.2.c.2 (e.g. IG IX 1², 4, 1497)
- A.2c.1-3 cae. Verse division based on the caesuras (this subcategory includes inscriptions that exhibit verse division based on caesuras in at least 50% of the verses, e.g. I.Egypte métriques 49, Steinepigramme 06/02/20, Peek, GVI 588)
- A.3 Mixed layout-typologies
Clients and recipients
The clients and the recipients (Q241) are indicated through P37 client and P38 recipient.
Each client/recipient represents an item labeled with the name of the client/recipient (e.g. Appia Anna Regilla Q699); if the name is unknown, an 'anonymous' item is created (e.g. anonymous Q708).
When it is not possible to determine the clients and the recipients (Q313) undefinable is used.
The characteristics of each client and recipient are indicated based on the following aspects and using the following properties/items:
The authorship of the text is defined by Q118 anonymous and Q240 signed.
When the text is signed, P49 author of the inscription is used to give information about the author. Each author is represented by an item, whose label is the author's transliterated name if it is in Greek. The name in Greek is also labeled. For the indication of the author's characteristics, such as their gender and, if known, their role in society, religion, and Wikidata item, the same items and properties used to describe the clients and recipients are applied.
The qualifier P36 signature - text is used to record the text of the signature. With the qualifier P85 type of signature, it is possible to specify whether the signature is metrical (Q933) or in prose (Q934).
Nature of statement (P86)
To denote that a statement is uncertain, P86 nature of statement is used as a qualifier associated with Q931 uncertain.
References - sources
The sources of the statements are mentioned through P39 source (URL) and P67 source (item) used as references.
Items/Properties - tools
- Special:NewItem
- Special:NewProperty
- Special:NewEntitySchema
- MediaWiki:Wikibase-SortedProperties (manual list of the properties with customized order)
- Special:ListProperties (automatic list of the properties)
- Special:AllPages (ns 120) (automatic list of the items)
Query - access to data
The data can be obtained through the Query Service. Thematic queries have been created for those who are not familiar with SPARQL query service. To start the query and obtain the data, use the function at the bottom left execute query (CTRL + ENTER). The data obtained from the Query can be downloaded in JSON, TSV, CSV, HTML, SVG using the function Download.
- Wikibase RDF mapping diagram
- Rdf mapping-vector - statement-centered (partial)
- Wikidata - Full list of prefixes
- Full list of prefixes of the greek-metrical-inscriptions wikibase:
PREFIX bd: <>
PREFIX cc: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX hint: <>
PREFIX ontolex: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX gp: <>
PREFIX gpq: <>
PREFIX gpqn: <>
PREFIX gpqv: <>
PREFIX gpr: <>
PREFIX gprn: <>
PREFIX gprv: <>
PREFIX gpsv: <>
PREFIX gps: <>
PREFIX gpsn: <>
PREFIX gd: <>
PREFIX gdno: <>
PREFIX gdref: <>
PREFIX gds: <>
PREFIX gdt: <>
PREFIX gdtn: <>
PREFIX gdv: <>
NB: If the data is not displayed correctly, decrease the zoom on your browser.
General queries
Editions - publications - databases
- publications (Q682)
Type of inscription
Geographic provenance
Inscription(s) - number
- multiple inscription - meter (1+)/prose (1+) (Q832)
- Greek
- Greek / Latin (Q644) / (Q645)
Length of the text
- meters
- verses (Q100)
- rhytmic units (Q101)
hexameter (Q24)
inscriptions in hexameter
type of inscription
elegiac couplet (Q11)
inscriptions in elegiac couplet
type of inscription
iambic trimeter (Q17)
inscriptions in iambic trimeter
type of inscription
catalectic trochaic tetrameter (Q70)
inscriptions in catalectic trochaic tetrameter
type of inscription
- funerary inscriptions
- honorific inscriptions
- dedications - hymns
- oracles
- A.1
- A.2a
- A.2b
- A.2c.1
- A.2c.2
- A.2c.3
- A.2c.1-3 cae.
- A.3
- A.3a
- A.3b
verses / rhytmic units / prose (Q1031)
dactylic cola / dactylic metra / prose
types of layout (Q48)
Clients and recipients
funerary inscriptions
- family members
honorific inscriptions
- gender (P51)
- men
- women
- society (P50)
- priest (Q311)/priestess (Q306)
- soldiers
- gender (P51)
- men
- women
- society (P50)
- members of the ruling class:
- priest (Q311)/priestess (Q306)
- soldiers
funerary inscriptions
role in society
honorific inscriptions
- athletes (Q60)
Role in society (P51)
- signed (Q240)
- author - men
- author - women
- metrical signature (Q933)
- signature in prose (Q934)
Anatolian Peninsula
metrical inscriptions
Western coast
Southern coast
Northern coast
Inland regions
Near East
North Africa
editions (P24)
metrical inscriptions
cities (Q47)
places (Q365)
metrical inscriptions from Cyrenaica (Q42)
types of inscriptions
Africa Proconsularis
Southeastern Europe
places (Q365)
Aegean Islands
Ionian Islands
Western and Central Europe
metrical inscriptions
metrical inscriptions
Eastern Europe
Cimmerian Bosporus
Useful links inside this Wikibase instance
- MediaWiki:Sidebar
- Special:Statistics (statistics)
Related digital epigraphic corpora and databases
- Searchable Greek Inscriptions (PHI)
- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL)
- Inscriptiones Graecae (IG)
- Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica (GVCyr)
- Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica. Second edition (GVCyr2)
- Telamon
- I.Sicily
- I Carmina Epigraphica Graeca di Peter Allan Hansen:un supplemento online (CEGS)
- Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR)
- Hispania Epigraphica
- Epigraphic Database Falsae (EDF)
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH)
- Epigraphic Database Bari project (EDB)
- Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien
- LatinNow
- Roman inscriptions of Britain (RIB)
- Trismegistos
- Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Online (SEG)
- Last Statues of Antiquity (LSA)
- Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO)
- AXON - Iscrizioni storiche greche
- Claros - Concordance of Greek Inscriptions
- Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae
- Ancient Inscriptions from Israel / Palestine
Digital projects on metrical inscriptions
Digital epigraphy - tools
- Digital tools for the research and study of ancient writing cultures (ENCODE)
- EpiDoc: Epigraphic Documents in TEI XML
- FAIR Epigraphy Browser
- Inscriptiones Identifier Resolver
- FAIR Epigraphy Bibliographic project
- FAIR Epigraphic Vocabularies
- europeana eagle project - vocaboularies
- LGPN - The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names
- Mnamon. Antiche scritture del Mediterraneo
- Pleiades
Digital epigraphy - projects
- The FAIR Epigraphy Project
- Lacunae
- Digital Epigraphy And Archaeology
- Venice Squeeze Project
- europeana - europeana eagle project
- Eagle MediaWiki
- Altinum
Digital epigraphy - community
Related Wikibases
I Epigraphic corpora / editions
- AE = Année Épigraphique.
- BE = Bulletin Épigraphique in Revue des Études Grecques (1938-).
- CIIP = (Various edd.) Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestinae. A Multilingual Corpus of the Inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad, Berlin 2010-.
- Cougny 1890 = Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina cum Planudeis et appendice nova epigrammatum veterum ex libris et marmoribus ductorum […], III, instr. E. C., Parisiis 1890.
- Hunter 2022 = Greek Epitaphic Poetry. A Selection, ed. by R. H., Cambridge 2022.
- I.Ancyra = S. Mitchell, D. French, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) I. From Augustus to the End of the Third Century AD, Munich 2012; IΙ. Late Roman, Byzantine and Other Texts, Munich 2019.
- I.Ano Maked. = T.Rizakis, G.Touratsoglou, Ἐπιγραφὲς Ἄνω Μακεδονίας(Ἐλίμεια, Ἐορδαία, Νότια Λυγκηστίς, Ὀρεστίς): Τόμος Α΄. Κατάλογος ἐπιγραφῶν, Athens 1985.
- I.Aquileia = J. Brusin, Inscriptiones Aquileiae, I-III, Udine 1991-1993.
- I.Beroia = L.Gounaropoulou, M.B.Hatzopoulos, Ἐπιγραφὲς Κάτω Μακεδονίας (μεταξὺ τοῦ Βερμίου Ὄρους καὶ τοῦ Ἀξιοῦ Ποταμοῦ). Τεῦχος Αʹ. Ἐπιγραφὲς Βεροίας, Athens 1998.
- I.Cilicie = G. Dagron, D. Feissel, Inscriptions de Cilicie, Paris 1 987.
- I.Colosse Memnon = É. Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques et latines du Colosse de Memnon, Cairo 1960.
- I.Cos Segre = M. Segre, Iscrizioni di Cos, I-II, Rome 1994.
- I.Cret. = M. Guarducci, Inscriptiones Creticae, Rome 1935-1950.
- I.Égypte métriques = É. Bernand, Inscriptions métriques de l’Égypte gréco-romaine, Paris 1969.
- IG = Inscriptiones Graecae, Berlin 1873-.
- IGBulg = Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, I-V, Sofia 1956-1997.
- IG Cyrenaica Verse = J.M. Reynolds, C. Roueché, Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica, Bologna 2017. See Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica. Second edition
- IG France = J.-C. Decourt, Inscriptions grecques de la France, Lyon 2004.
- IG Napoli = E. Miranda, Iscrizoni greche d’Italia: Napoli, I-II, Roma,1990, 1995.
- IG Ravenna = A. Bencivenni, Ravenna. Le iscrizioni greche, Milan 2018.
- IGSK = Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien, Bonn 1972-.
- IGUR = L. Moretti, Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae, Rome 1968-1990.
- I.Histria = Inscriptiones Daciae et Scythiae Minoris Antiquae, Series Altera. Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris Graecae et Latinae, I. Inscriptiones Histriae et Viciniae, Bucharest 1983.
- I.Mus.Catania = K. Korhonen, Le iscrizioni del Museo Civico di Catania. Storia delle collezioni, Helsinki/Tammisaari 2004.
- I.North Galatia = S.Mitchell, D.H.French, J.Greenhalgh, The Ankara District: The Inscriptions of North Galatia, RECAM II, Oxford 1982.
- I.Pergamon = M. Fraenkel, Die Inschriften von Pergamon, I-II, Berlin 1890-1895.
- I.Pergamon Asklepieion = C. Habicht, Altertümer von Pergamon. VIII 3. Die Inschriften des Asklepieions, Berlin 1969.
- I.Perinthos = M.H.Sayar, Perinthos-Herakleia (Marmara Ereğlisi) und Umgebung. Geschichte, Testimonien, griechische und lateinische Inschriften, Vienna 1998.
- I.Philae = A. Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques de Philae, II, Paris 1969.
- IG Porto = G. Sacco, Iscrizioni greche d’Italia. Porto, Rome 1984.
- I.Rhénée = M.-T.Dinahet-Couillod, Exploration archéologique de Délos 30. Les monuments funéraires de Rhénée, Paris 1974.
- IRT = M.J. Reynolds, J.B. Ward Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome 1952.
- I.Sardis = W.H. Buckler, D.M. Robinson, Sardis, VII. Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Leiden 1932.
- I.Thrake Aeg. = L.D. Loukopoulou et alii, Ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Θράκης τοῦ Αἰγαίου μεταξὺ τῶν ποταμῶν Νέστου καὶ Ἕβρου (Νομοὶ Ξάνθης, Ροδόπης καὶ Ἕβρου), Athens 2005.
- I.Vallée Enipeus = J.-C. Decourt, Inscriptions de Thessalie. I. Les cités de la valle de l’Enipeus, Paris 1995.
- Kaibel, Epigrammata = G. Kaibel, Epigrammata Graeca ex lapidibus collecta, Berlin 1878.
- IGLS = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, I-XXI/5, Beyrouth, Paris, 1929-.
- MAMA = Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, I-X, London 1928-1993.
- Merisio 2024 = E.N. M., Le iscrizioni metriche greche della Frigia orientale. Ed., trad. e comm., Berlin-Boston 2024.
- Milet VI.1 = P. Herrmann, Inschriften von Milet, Teil 1: B. Nachträge und Übersetzungen zu den Inschriften n. 1-406, Berlin-New York 1997.
- Peek, GVI = W. Peek, Griechische Vers-Inschriften, I, Berlin 1955.
- SEG = Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden 1923-.
- Staab 2018 = G. S., Gebrochener Glanz. Klassische Tradition und Alltagswelt im Spiegel neuer und alter Grabepigramme des griechischen Ostens, Berlin-Boston 2018.
- Steinepigramme = R. Merkelbach, J. Stauber, Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. I. Die Westküste Kleinasiens von Knidos bis Ilion, Stuttgart-Leipzig 1998. II. Die Nordküste Kleinasiens (Marmarameer und Pontos), München-Leipzig 2001. III. Der “Ferne Osten” und das Landesinnere bis zum Tauros, München 2001. IV. Die Südküste Kleinasiens, Syrien und Palaestina, München 2002. V. Register, München-Leipzig 2004.
- TAM = Tituli Asiae Minoris, I; II 1-3; III 1; IV 1; V 1-3, Vienna 1901-1989.
II Collection of studies on epigraphic poetry
- Agosti 2005 = G. A., Miscellanea epigrafica I. Note letterarie a carmi epigrafici tardoantichi, «MEG» V (2005) 1-30.
- Agosti 2007a = G. A., Note a epigrafi tardoantiche (Miscellanea epigrafica II), «ZPE» CLX (2007) 41-49.
- Agosti 2007b = G. A., Cultura greca negli epigrammi epigrafici di età tardoantica, in L. Crisante-F. Ireneo (edd.), Incontri triestini di filologia classica VI (2006-2007), Trieste 2007, 3-18.
- Agosti 2008a = G. A., Gli epigrammi lunghi nella produzione epigrafica tardoantica, in Morelli 2008a [q.v.], II 663-692.
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Other publications
Talbert 2000 = Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, ed. by R.J.A. Talbert, Princeton 2000.
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- ↑ see Agosti 2008; Garulli 2008.