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- P3 (instance of)
- P41 (formatter URL)
- P18 (subclass of)
- P9 (part of)
- P1 (related property)
- P45 (Wikidata item)
- P40 (definition)
- P24 (edition)
- P7 (edition URL)
- P68 (translation(s))
- P7 (translation - URL)
- P43 (Trismegistos ID)
- P11 (image URL)
- P12 (edition containing an image)
- P17 (edition containing a copy)
- P6 (type of inscription)
- P5 (provenance - macro-area)
- P27 (provenance - macro-region)
- P16 (provenance - region)
- P28 (provenance - sub-region)
- P29 (provenance - island)
- P4 (provenance - city)
- P14 (provenance - place)
- P22 (dating (EDTF)
- P10 (object)
- P81 (writing technique)
- P69 (last recorded location)
- P52 (text - formal typology)
- P53 (language)
- P19 (length of the text)
- P8 (meter)
- P15 (layout)
- P37 (client)
- P38 (recipient)
- P35 (authorship)
- P49 (author)
- P34 (bibliographic information)
- P76 (abbreviations)
- P44 (author(s) of the edition)
- P33 (DOI/URL - edition / database)
- P44 (published edition(s))
- P42 (Pleiades ID)
- P47 (Trismegistos Places ID)
- P48 (ToposText ID)
Clients and recipients
- P50 (gender)
- P51 (role in society)
- P73 (type of animal)
- P74 (owner of the animal)
- P20 (reference inside the edition)
- P21 (author of the copy)
- P23 (dating (as in the edition))
- P25 (series ordinal)
- P26 (role)
- P29 (type of meter)
- P30 (material)
- P31 (state of preservation of the text)
- P32 (state of preservation of the object)
- P36 (signature - text)
- P71 (inventory number)
- P78 (metrical scheme)
- P82 (height)
- P83 (width)
- P84 (thickness)
- P86 (nature of statement)
- P77 (source (item))
- P39 (source (URL))