Data model - description of data

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Geographic provenance

The reference point for determining geographical areas is the Empire under Trajan [1]

The data is organized according to three related properties:

Anatolian Peninsula (I)

Near East (I)

North Africa (I)

Southeastern Europe (I)

Italy (I)

Western and Central Europe (I)

Eastern Europe (I)


  1. See Talbert 2000, 100

Dating (P22)

The period under consideration ranges from the late first century BC to the early fourth century AD. The span of centuries is bounded by the reforms of Augustus and the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine.

The following types of dating are distinguished:

  1. Inscriptions dated to a specific year or within a span of years less than a century.
  2. Inscriptions dated by centuries.
  3. Inscriptions dated to the Imperial Period (first-third century AD), contrasting with the Hellenistic Period (third-first century BC) and the Late Antique Period (fourth-seventh century AD).
  4. Inscriptions dated between the end of the Hellenistic Period (late first century BC) and the beginning of the Imperial Period (first century AD), or between the end of the Imperial Period (late third century AD) and the beginning of Late Antiquity (fourth century AD).
  5. Inscriptions with uncertain dating between the Hellenistic Period and the Imperial Period or between the Imperial Period and Late Antiquity.
  6. Inscriptions dated with generic terms like Kaiserzeit, Römische Zeit, aetatis imperialis, Imperial Age, époque imperiale, età imperiale, etc., without distinguishing between the Imperial Period and Late Antiquity.
  7. Undated inscriptions.

Based on these types of dating, inscriptions are divided into two groups:

  • A : Inscriptions falling under types 1-4, dateable to the Imperial Age with a reasonable margin of certainty.
  • B : Inscriptions falling under types 5-6, assignable to the Imperial era with a low margin of certainty.
  • C: undated inscriptions (type 7)

Editions / corpora (P7)

Types of inscriptions (P6)

geographic provenance epitaphs honorific
celebrative inscriptions
oracles ritual inscriptions
didactic inscriptions
exhortatory inscriptions
Anatolian Peninsula
(Provinciae Asiae,
Bithyniae et Ponti,
Galatiae et Cappadociae,
A = 508 (74%)
B = 343 (85%)
tot.: 851 (78%)
A = 76 (11%)
B = 26 (6%)
tot.: 102 (9%)
A = 52 (8%)
B = 22 (5%)
tot.: 74 (7%)
A = 32 (5%)
B = 2 (0,5%)
tot.: (3%)
A = 9 (1%)
B = 2 (0,5%)
tot.: 11 (1%)
A = 4 (1%)
B = /
tot.: 4 (1%)
Near East
(Armenia, Mesopotamia,
Media, Syria,
Iudaea, Arabia, Cyprus)
A = 52 (71%)
B = 39 (89%)
tot.: 91 (80%)
A = 8 (12%)
B = 4 (9%)
tot.: 12 (11%)
A = 9 (13%)
B = 2 (4%)
tot.: 11 (10%)
/ / / /
Egypt A = 55 (40%)
B = 14 (58%)
tot.: 69 (43%)
A = 2 (2%)
B = /
tot.: 2 (2%)
A = 13 (10%)
B = /
tot.: 13 (10%)
/ A = 1 (1%)
B = /
tot.: 1 (1%)
/ A = 62 (46%)
B = 10 (7%) /
tot.: 72 (46%)
Creta et Cyrene A = 26 (41%)
B = 4 (100%)
tot.: 30 (65%)
A = 9 (21%) B = /
tot.: 9 (21%)
A = 6 (14%)
B = /
tot.: 6 (14%)
/ A = 1 (2%)
B = /
tot.: 1 (2%)
/ /
North Africa
(Africa Proconsularis,
Numidia, Muretania)
A = 3 (60%)
B = 7 (100%)
tot.: 10 (83%)
/ A = 2 (40%)
B = /
tot.: 2 (17%)
/ / / /
(Greece, Aegean/Ionian Islands,
Macedonia/Epirus, Thrace)
A = 193 (73%)
B = 221 (96%)
tot.: 414 (84%)
A = 43 (16%)
B = 4 (2%)
tot.: 47 (10%)
A = 27 (10%)
B = 3 (1%)
tot.: 30 (6%)
/ A = 1 (0,4%)
B = /
tot.: 1 (0,4%)
/ /
Italy (Regiones I-XI), Roma,
Sicilia, Sardinia et Corsica
A = 62 (73%)
B = 167 (100%)
tot.: 229 (90%)
A = 5 (6%)
B= /
tot.: 5 (6%)
A = 15 (18%)
B = /
tot.: 15 (18%)
/ A = 2 (2%)
B = /
tot.: 2 (2%)
A = 1 (1%)
B = /
tot.: 1 (1%)
Western Europe
(Britannia, Gallia,
Germania, Hispania)
A = 12 (73%)
B = 4 (80%)
tot.: 16 (80%)
/ A = 2 (13%)
B= 1 (20%)
tot.: 3 (20%)
/ A = 1 (7%)
B= /
tot.: 1 (7%)
/ /
Eastern Europe
(Raetia, Noricum,
Pannonia, Dalmatia,
Dacia, Moesia,
Cimmerian Bosporus)
A = 15 (100%)
B = 33 (100%)
B: 48 (tot.: 100%)
/ / / / / /

Clients and recipients


Meters (P8)

  • hexameters kata stichon
  • elegiac couplets
  • iambic meters kata stichon
    • iambic trimeters
    • choliambics
  • catalectic trochaic tetrameters
  • pentameters kata stichon
  • sotadeans
  • mixed meters
    • hexameters + pentameters
    • hexameters + iambic meters
    • hexameters + pentameters + iambic meters
    • hexameters + trochaic tetrameters
Geographic provenance
Anatolian Peninsula (Provinciae Asiae, Bithyniae et Ponti, Galatiae et Cappadociae, Ciliciae) A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %
Near East (Armenia, Mesopotamia, Media, Syria, Iudaea, Arabia, Cipro) A = %, B = % A = % , B = % A = %, B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %
Egypt A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %
Creta et Cyrene A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %
North Africa (Africa Proconsularis, Numidia, Muretania) A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %
Achaia (Greece, Aegean/Ionian Islands, Macedonia/Epirus, Thrace) A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %
Italy (Regiones I-XI), Roma, Sicilia, Sardinia et Corsica A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %
Western Europe (Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Hispania) A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %
Eastern Europe (Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Cimmerian Bosporus) A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = % A = % , B = %

Length of the texts (P19)

Epigraphic supports (P10)

Images (P11, P12, P17)

Layout (P15)


  1. A.1 Layout typologies not based on metrical structure
    A.1a The layout is not based on the metrical structure and no attention is paid to word endings (e.g. GVCyr008)
    A.1b The layout is not based on the metrical structure and attention is paid to word endings / certain parts of the text are highlighted (e.g. GVCyr051)
  2. A.2 Layout typologies based on the metrical structure
    A.2a 1 line = 1 verse (e.g. I.Egypte métriques 26)
    eisthesis of pentameters (e.g. I.Egypte métriques 68) / vacat at the central caesura (e.g. IG IV²,1 436 )
    A.2b Verses written as prose, with vacat and/or signs (e.g. single point, colon, hedera, diple), which indicate the end of the verse (e.g. IG XIV 2564)
    A.2c Verses arranged on multiple (two/three) lines
    A.2c.1 Verses arranged on two/three lines without eisthesis of the second/third line, with vacat and/or sign to indicate the end of the verse (e.g. IG IX 1², 4, 1498 )
    A.2c.2 Verses arranged on two/three lines with eisthesis of the second/third line and possibly vacat and/or sign to indicate the end of the verse (e.g. IGUR III 1163, I.Mus. Catania 24)
    A.2.c.3 Mixed layout-typologies A.2.c.1-A.2.c.4 (e.g. IG IX 1², 4, 1497)
    A.2c.1-3 Verse division based on the caesuras (this subcategory includes inscriptions that exhibit verse division based on caesuras in at least 50% of the verses, e.g. I.Egypte métriques 49, Steinepigramme 06/02/20, Peek, GVI 588)
    A.3 Mixed layout-typologies A.2a-c.1-3 (e.g. IGUR III 1272)
Geographic provenance A.1 A.2a A.2b A.2c.1-3 A.3 A.2c 1-3 (/A.3)
(% on tot. of A.2c 1-4/A.3)
Anatolian Peninsula (Provinciae Asiae, Bithyniae et Ponti,
Galatiae et Cappadociae, Ciliciae)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
Near East (Armenia, Mesopotamia, Media,
Syria, Iudaea, Arabia, Cipro) [tot.: 57]
A = 15 (26%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 27 (47%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 3 (5%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 11 (19%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 1 (2%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 6 (50%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
Egypt [tot. A: 122] A = 28 (23%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 77 (63%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 1 (1%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 11 (9%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 5 (4%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 7 (44%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
Creta et Cyrene [tot. A: 35] A = 15 (43%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 14 (40%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 3 (8%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 2 (6%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = /
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 1 (50%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
North Africa (Africa Proconsularis,
Numidia, Muretania) [tot. A: 5]
A = 2 (40%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 1 (20%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = /
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 1 (20%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = /
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 1 (100%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
Achaia (Greece, Aegean/Ionian Islands,
Macedonia/Epirus, Thrace)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = (%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
Italy (Regiones I-XI), Roma,
Sicilia, Sardinia et Corsica [tot. A.: 76]
A = 21 (27%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 40 (53%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 2 (3%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 18 (24%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 2 (3%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 13 (65%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
Western Europe (Britannia, Gallia,
Germania, Hispania) [tot. A: 13]
A = 4 (31%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 4 (31%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 4 (31%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 1 (8%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = /
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = /
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
Eastern Europe (Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia,
Dalmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Cimmerian Bosporus) [tot. A.: 15]
A = 7 (47%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 2 (13%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = /
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 6 (40%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = /
B = (%)
tot.: (%)
A = 3 (50%)
B = (%)
tot.: (%)